Club Announcement

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It is with regret that Clydebank Football Club announces the resignation of Stephen McLaren, for personal reasons, from his position as Chairman of the UCS Trust board and from the board itself.

A lifelong supporter, Stephen has been involved with the running of the club since the rebirth of the Bankies in the Juniors, firstly on the club board and then on the combined board.

Stevie’s main role has been Commercial Director, where he has successfully brought in much needed funds over the years.

This has included negotiating with our main sponsor – currently Clydebank Cooperative Society – and organising our sporting dinners and golf days.

Stevie has also worked with many other, smaller businesses to help create the community club we have today.

Last August, Stevie took on the role of Chairman and was proud to lead the club during the season so far.

Stevie is soon to start a new job and everyone at the club wishes him well with this and thanks him for his service over many years.

Vice Chair Grace McGibbon will take over as Chair until the AGM.

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